A message from the Executive Director of the Amphibian Survival Alliance

For too long now we have heard stories of declines, extinction and lack of hope with regards to conserving biodiversity and especially amphibians. The Amphibian Survival Alliance plans to change this rhetoric by focusing on new opportunities and delivering conservation successes.
The Alliance Partners have already shown that much can be achieved, to not only conserve amphibians around the world, but to help improve the ecosystems in which they live for the benefit of all biodiversity, including people. Taking these success stories and building on the work of a dedicated and passionate community we will engage with a broader and more diverse audience than ever before in the history of amphibian conservation.
We believe that this movement needs to be about more than people donating to a cause that they believe in; it needs to be about people telling their stories, becoming engaged and focusing on making a difference to the survival of the 7000+ amphibian species that live on our planet. We want our supporters to not only be donors but spokespeople for the cause, inspired to take action in multiple ways. By sharing the impact the ASA is having on amphibians around the world we will be able to engage a range of people and donors who perhaps had not considered supporting amphibians in the past.
We will ensure that we are judged on our conservation impact. To help donors assess our success we will continually report on progress made on short, medium and long-term goals. This is a new and exciting time for amphibian conservation and research, and we look forward to working with you to make the changes we all want to see.

Don Church, Executive Director
Amphibian Survival Alliance