1% for the Planet (1% FTP) is all about coming together to help make the world a better place. There’s no better example than WorthWild and Quantum Rush, 1% FTP member businesses that are partnering with Amphibian Survival Alliance to protect amphibian habitat around the world.
Last week 1% member WorthWild went live with their crowdsourcing website—a resource designed to help individuals and organizations get funds or feedback for environmental initiatives —and they launched with collaboration as a priority. One of the first organizations to WorthWild aligned with was the Amphibian Survival Alliance, the world’s largest partnership for amphibian conservation. Don Church, Executive Director of the Alliance said “When we joined the 1% for the Planet network we were looking for a truly mutually beneficial partnership. As an Alliance we believe that if a partnership is equally beneficial both parties will get a lot more out of the experience and the outcomes will be much greater, hence when we saw that both WorthWild and Quantum Rush had joined 1% FTP we jumped on the opportunity to work with them”.
“Our brand, our operation, our mission…” says Evan Grinde, Founder of Quantum Rush, “…it all hinges entirely on partnerships. We know we can’t do everything on our own, and we don’t try to. So, naturally, when the Alliance reached out to us and proposed that we work together to raise funds for worldwide amphibian conservation, we agreed wholeheartedly. Their mission really resonated with us, aligning perfectly with the exact kind of differences that we wanted to be making. So before long, we got to work on not only a campaign to be launched through our own website, but also a t-shirt to be given out as a reward for supporters donating at the $250-level through another campaign-driven, 1% for the Planet company: WorthWild. And that all right there is the beauty of 1% for the Planet: it creates collisions. It’s a magnet for like-minded forces and it creates dynamic relationships that might never have otherwise been established… and truly great things can come about because of it.”
“It’s a trifecta.” says WorthWild cofounder Kyle Pribish. “By partnering with 1% for the Planet, Amphibian Survival Alliance and Quantum Rush, we hope to ‘Give Back to Blue’ in a way that stretches beyond ourselves and inspires change the world over. I love that we all found each other through the 1% network. We’re in the business of inspiration, influence and change and the organizations we work with are aligned with these goals as well. We really hope to see some generous traffic to our platform so that all 1% causes and parties may benefit. We’re just starting out and we want to send a loud message about coming together to accomplish great things.”
In order to maximize impact, efforts in conservation should be concentrated. Participation in these efforts, however, should not be. There truly is strength in numbers, and getting as many individual members of society as possible involved in the collaborative efforts of the Amphibian Survival Alliance, Quantum Rush, and WorthWild is the key to success for our conservation campaign. You, as a passionate and concerned individual, are presented today with greater, more transparent opportunities than ever before to contribute to real causes. The struggles we face in amphibian conservation are representative of the struggles we face on a wider ecological basis. The loss of amphibian biodiversity sets out of balance the ecologies that these sensitive creatures belong to, and these ecologies are not systems in which humans have no place. Any harm we inflict against these animals is harm we inflict against ourselves and our children. Any measure of action we take to protect these animals are measures of action we take to secure a happier, simpler, more natural future for ourselves and our loved ones.
Interested in collaborating? Each new organization brings value to the table in a cooperative partnership through their mission, audience, perspectives, and ideas. We can achieve far more together than any of us could alone. The Amphibian Survival Alliance, Quantum Rush, and WorthWild would like to extend an invitation for collaboration to any fellow 1% for the Planet companies or NGOs who feel that their missions align on any level with our own. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you feel that there exists some potential synergy between your organization and any of our own individually or all of ours collectively.
Ready to leap to the rescue? Here’s how you can make an impact right away:
- Until January 29th 2014, the Amphibian Survival Alliance will triple every dollar raised through the “Leaping to the Rescue! Hop to it!” campaign on WorthWild. To support amphibian conservation through WorthWild please visit their website.
- Indefinitely, you can also support by purchasing an eco-friendly, USA-made Amphibian Conservation artisan t-shirt from Quantum Rush at quantumrush.com/amphibians.
Together we can save amphibians and the habitats upon which they – and we – depend.
For media inquiries regarding this release please contact:
Candace M Hansen, Amphibian Survival Alliance at cmhansen@amphibians.org
Evan Grinde, Quantum Rush at evan@quantumrush.com
Kyle Pribish, WorthWild at kpribish@worthwild.com
Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA)
The Amphibian Survival Alliance is the world’s largest partnership for amphibian conservation, formed in response to the decline of frogs, salamanders and caecilians worldwide. Without immediate and coordinated action we stand to lose half of some 7,000 species of amphibians in our lifetimes. The ASA draws on cutting-edge research to protect amphibians and key habitats worldwide, in addition to educating and inspiring the global community to become a part of the amphibian conservation movement. www.amphibians.org
Quantum Rush
Quantum Rush is a social enterprise built to empower and inspire. We actively seek partnerships with forward-thinking doers, such as select non-profits, innovative startups, and creative individuals in order to create a greater impact together than anyone could alone. Quantum Rush tailors unique campaigns to tell the stories of each partner’s mission with the intention of inspiring and motivating an observer to become a contributor. These missions range from environmental sustainability, to wildlife conservation, to social development, to brilliant ideas that have never before been executed. The goal of each campaign is to sell a product that manifests the partner’s mission. For most, this product is an organic, artisan t-shirt made in California. Each campaign’s artisan tee is emblazoned with artwork that captures the essence of the project it represents. Furthermore, Quantum Rush gives at least 20% of each sale directly back to the partner behind the campaign; the rest goes to responsible production, materials, and operations. Through this model of funding and storytelling, we seek to empower not only our partners, but also potential contributors. If each actor is instilled with a greater sense of agency, we can together craft a future worth looking forward to. www.quantumrush.com
WorthWild is a crowdfunding and crowdsourcing platform designed to help individuals and organizations garner funds and feedback for environmental initiatives. The platform highlights campaigns in four areas in order to engage people of all ages and influence: environmental education, conservation, innovation and human-powered recreation. Ultimately, WorthWild helps drive the movement to get kids (back) outside by highlighting amazing environmental projects initiated by established organizations and passionate individuals. Conversely, WorthWild highlights youth initiatives as a means to inspire organizations, individuals and businesses to not only play a role in supporting the next generation of environmental stewards, but to also start initiatives of their own. By providing transparent and detailed plans to Supporters and Sponsors, WorthWild Initiators raise intellectual capital and money for specific environmental projects, turning ideas into action, and multiplying grass roots efforts. www.worthwild.com